Go get him. Fire Grandpa Jim and get Hue Jackson. Don't sit on your hands. Now is not the time to stand pat. The pot has been stirred. Keep mixing that bitch. Go for it. Everyone in the entire fucking NFL knows what we have in Grandpa Jim and it is not a good thing. Get the guy with upside over staying with the guy that will inevitably cripple your team and season because he has the in game awareness of a short bus riding newt.
Please, for the love of every fan that has faithfully, un-fucking believably and improbably continued to root for your team, do the right thing. Move on from one of the worst game managers in history. Give your fans and your franchise a chance. If that means CJ retires. So be it. We aren't winning a SB with him anyhow.
Fire Caldwell and get this fucking joke of a franchise moving in the right direction because it won't happen with Jim Caldwell and keeping him around will only delay the inevitable.
If experience is absolutely needed, then I would also be open to bringing in Tom Caughlin. I know he is older for a new hire HC but by all reports, he is in great shape and he would bring that experience. The guy has done it twice. Hell, he won it twice with Eli! Read that line again. I think the talent on this team would fit the type of coach he has always been.
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