
Friday, November 20, 2015

Heard at the Rod Wood presser....

I am not qualified to run any other organization in the NFL. The reason I am qualified to run the Lions is because of my relationship with the Fords.

Seriously, this guy said that. Of course, the Lions are denying it. This is exactly why he shouldn't have been hired. He wasn't the most qualified person for the job, he was the most comfortable for the fords. This is horse shit piled on top of elephant shit. Same Old Lions.

He went on to say there was no national search for the president position.


  1. Really rough day to be a Lions fan. Some see it but it's unbelievable how many will defend it.

    1. I am astounded by the moves the Lions have made in the last month. I am actually thinking of stopping being a lions fan. Seriously. 40+ years gone. I am not there yet but I ever so close.

      The truly crazy thing. People are defending the Lions and their moves. How do people accept this? How could they possibly think this is in the best interest of them as fans?

      On that point, isn't that what should be important. What is best for the fans? We pay all the bills. How is what is best for the fans not the first priority? Only the fucking Lions......

      BTW, thanks for stopping in to say hello and add to the site. I hope all is well with you beyond the SOLions.

      And yes, today was an incredibly hard day to be a Lions fan. Fans of other teams, including the fucking browns and jags, feel sympathy for us. We have reached a new low.

      It is incredibly fucking difficult to be a Lions fan.

  2. Reminded me of one of those old BASF commercials, where after you watch it you still don't have any idea what they actually make.

    1. Exactly. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Before, he only had to answer to the Fords. Now he has to answer to everyone that watches the Lions and he is entirely unprepared for it. Of course, he should have known that was coming and the Fords should have too. But that doesn't matter to the Fords, they are more than happy letting people learn on the job even if it does FUCK the fans over for 60 years.

      Fuck you fords.

  3. Never bought a stock, never drafted a contract...but I did win my fantasy league once. Classic!

    1. I have nothing. I would normally have some sort of response but that sums it up.

