
Thursday, April 28, 2016

You have got to be fucking kidding me.....

Laremy Tunsil posted a video of himself taking a bong hit with a gas mask BEFORE THE DRAFT!!!!

If the Lions draft this guy I am going to fucking lose my mind. The level of stupidity involved in this action is astounding. Of course, his agent is saying his account was hacked bla bla bla. It was Tunsil. Why is he smoking pot? Why is he recording himself smoking pot? He got busted with pot. This collosal dumbass just doesn't get it. This isn't a red flag. This is a stop sign. Roger Goodell will be looking into this. I guarantee it. This kid is going to be in stage one of the leagues substance abuse program and he hasn't even taken a NFL snap yet.

What a monumental fucking idiot. There isn't much he could have done that would have hurt his stock than this.....

Fucking moron.

If he drops to us and we draft him I am going to lose my shit.



  1. i think he got royally screwed and I am upset with the NCAA and NFL for creating an perpetuating this system of minor league football dressed as amatuerism

    why the NCAA isnt held more accountable for continually producing football players who arent ready for the NFL... it just seems like they'd be held more accountable if the doctors they produced had such poor results.

    1. Before I start here, I want to emphasize, you are my boy, I love you brother but I have to say this...

      He screwed himself. He knows smoking pot is not allowed in the NFL. He has known that for the better part of his life. His dream is to be an NFL player. Yet, He chose to smoke anyhow. Incredulously, He chose to be recorded doing so with an elaborate gas mask and bong combo. His own past actions cost him between 8-12 million. He screwed himself.

      The reason the NCAA isn't held more responsible is because the NCAA isn't a minor league system of the NFL. The NFL doesn't provide them with any financials to support the CFB teams or programs. The CFB schools support themselves with revenue they generate without the NFL. If the NFL disappeared, the college game would still continue. The best way to generate college football revenue is to win. It is rare in the college game to play a professional style and win. Mostly because unlike the pro game where ever player is an all star at the college level, in the college game there vast discrepancies in talent from one player to the next. Those differences in talent lend themselves a more wide open style of offense that is far better utilized in spread offenses where teams can get their best players in open space against far inferior players. If the NFL could, there is no doubt in my mind the NFL would change the way the CFB programs ran their teams. They can't and the incentives for the colleges to do so simply do not exist. I guess the Gov could get involved and regulate minimum requirements for teaching football instruction like they do with Doctors......

      I know you are hot about this stuff right now Noah. I can feel it in your posts. I know the system is far from perfect. I am an advocate of the NFL creating a MLB style minor league system but it just doesn't exist now and while NCAA CFB is a players pipeline to the NFL, it simply isn't the NFL's minor league system.
